Milton Reimer's Ranch


Reimer's Ranch is a climbing destination with many lead routes. The ranch has few boulders and dedicated top rope routes. The majority of lead routes draws more advanced climbers, but there are still routes that can be used by newer climbers with assistance from the more experienced. Located in Dripping Springs, Texas, the ranch is a bit of a drive for north Texas climbers.


Reimer's Ranch is a Travis County Park located in central Texas. With over two-hundred and twenty-five routes, there are enough climbs to keep herds of climbers occupied. The popular areas can get crowded in the busier seasons, so it's always good to have a plan. Reimer's has a lot of foliage and walls facing in all directions, which provides shade and cover to make climbing a possibility all year round. With sturdy limestone walls, the routes are solid to climb. Camping is not allowed on the property, but nearby campsites provide good options. Admission costs $10 per car, with minor discounts available to cetain people.

Open daily 8:00a.m. – Twilight


Phone: 512-854-7275


Notable Routes

"Jugfest" - 5.8 - Lead
"Eight Flake" - 5.8 - Lead
"My Name is Mud" - 5.9 - Lead
"Deviance" - 5.10a - Lead
"Prototype" - 5.10c - Lead
"Millennium Travese" - 5.10+ - Lead
"Crankenstien" - 5.10c - Lead
"Yertle the Turtle" - 5.12a - Lead